Sharing God in the Day to Day

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Choosing Love

Sometimes whe don't feel like loving... do we? Sometimes it is hard to find love in our hearts when others acting in ways that we don't like. But God reminds us that His greatest commandment is that we "love one another" (John 15:12).

This week I saw this "choosing to love" in a few ways through the women on the Break Away Team. One wonderful woman whose heart of love shines on her face shared the verse "Love always trusts, always hopes" (1 Corinthians 13:7) in a situation where a decision had been made to choose to love and believe someone after a bit of a bump in the road had been made by that person. And then another of the women.. a very fit and fabulous woman... laughingly shared with us last night how she smiled and said "I love you" instead of grumbling when her husband came home just at the moment she had to leave the house... not a moment too soon.

Sometimes we just don't feel like loving... do we? But God reminds us to choose to love...just as he has chosen to love us. Our feelings aren't what we are to rely on... our emotions and attitude aren't a good control panel for our heart sometimes. God reminds us and commands us.. choose love. Thanks for living it, ladies!