Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Use the Stain Remover!
Hmmm.. a few years back my mom had given me a container of Oxyclean. It sat on my shelf.. I didn't even try it. Then one day I spilled some rapsberry salad dressing on a pair of almost white pants. I laughingly joked with a woman I was sitting with.. and she said "Have you tried Oxyclean?" (Actually I think that was you, Rachel Gossen!) Anyhow.. I kinda felt silly. It was sitting right at home unused.
I went home and tried it... and you know what? It worked!! The stain came right out as if it was never there!
How many of us are like that? We have stains and spots on our hearts and our lives... hurts or wrongs of our own or others doing. And God says to take it to Him... He is Truth and His truth will set us free. Do we leave that promise on the shelf? Sometimes I have... trying to fix a hurt or wrong and holding onto a grudge a bit in my heart. But the simple truth is we can claim His freedom from sin or guilt or sadness or hurt. It may take a while to soak in His words...but claim His promise today. Let go of those old stains!