Garbage is out at the curb in its proper containers. Its a feeling of satisfaction for me. I have developed the habits required to do the job properly. Some of you probably think this a weird thing to be satisfied with but getting the garbage out is always something I have struggled with. I always forgot or was too late.
I don't know about you but I kind of have a hard time with habits. Not bad ones! Those are easy to develop. It's the good habits that take some effort. They say it takes 21 repetitions to create a habit. ( I think I am stubborn and take longer). Anything that I can use to help me develop the good habits is appreciated. I have a devotional emailed to me so it is right there on my blackberry first thing in the morning when the alarm goes off. I look forward to reading that now and seeing what the Lord has for me today. It did take habit forming though. Not just for me but for Orrie, who would rather I get out of bed than lay there and read it.
As you probably guessed, today's was about habits. I learned something too. I didn't realized that Jesus cleaned up the temple twice in His ministry on earth. Once at the beginning of it and once right before His crucifixion. He didn't go in the second time and say that he gave up on us because we didn't learn the first time. He did what was needed. If Jesus didn't give up on us then I guess we shouldn't either.
Paul wrote: "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 4:9 NIV)
God is with us to help us with the habits. To help us form the good ones and also to help us get rid of the bad ones. We need to step forward and start working. and pray! And God will be with us even when we fall. He will clean us up and get us moving again.
Isn't that freeing? We aren't alone and... " I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Phillipians 4:13 LAB)
Anyone have habits they need help with? Maybe we could be each others accountability partners. Diane